Eva Kosa - Artistic Director

Classical ballet and contemporary dance teacher and choreographer.
Currently, classical ballet teacher at the Dance School Dea (Livorno) as well as artistic and executive director of the INTERDANZA project (Livorno).
Graduated as professional dancer from “Liceul de Coregrafie si Arta Dramatica "O. Stroia", Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Diploma in Choreographic Pedagogy from the Academy of Music "Gh. Dima" in Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Masters in Arts and Culture Management from Rome Business School.
Former dancer at the Brasov Opera House (Romania). Over the years she has honed her contemporary dance techniques, Cunningham method with master Dino Verga at the Fondazione Nazionale della Danza Aterballetto in Reggio Emilia, as well as working with masters Luca Russo (Aton Dino Verga Dance Company) Paolo Mangiola (Random Dance) and Cheryl Therrien (Merce Cunningham Dance Company).
As a Choreographer she staged "Add a Place at the Table" with Singers Tribe Company, shown between 2005 and 2007 in various places of Tuscany; "Orfeo and Euridice" by Ch. W. Gluck, "Traviata" by G. Verdi, "Sì" by P. Mascagni, on behalf of Fondazione Goldoni-Livorno.
She has held internships and hosted masterclasses at: AMGD – Conservatory of Music "Gheorghe Dima", Faculty of Performing Arts, Cluj Napoca-Romania; Choreography and Dramatic Art High School "O. Stroia", Cluj Napoca-Romania; International Ballet Seminar, Bari; INTERDANZA, Livorno and others.
She has been jury member of international and national dance competitions.
National Diploma Aics/Coni: Anthropometric and Functional Evaluation, Postural Pilates Instructor.
CID Member.

Mitzi Testi - Co-Artistic Director

Teacher Member of the Royal Academy of Dance of London and is currently teacher and artistic director of the Livorno Dance and Movement Laboratory. She graduated in Literature at the University of Pisa, specializing in Theater History, with a specific thesis on Dance. She has been teaching ballet and modern dance, as well as history of dance and theater in private and public schools, in Italy and abroad. She has participated in many competitions in Italy and abroad with the Dance and Movement Laboratory winning prizes and awards. Many of her students have won awards and scholarships. Some have been accepted in prestigious Professional Schools and / or Academies in Italy and / or abroad. Others succeeded her and trained to follow the teaching of classical dance. She held seminars, conferences, lectures and has written reviews on dance. She was a Supervisor on behalf of the R.A.D, and in this year of pandemic she presented an online educational project for a competition organized by the R.A.D for which she was awarded a prize.

Our Mission

...is to promote the practice and the knowledge of Dance and all of the related arts (music, literature, figurative and expressive arts), of culture in general, engaging dance students from all around the world guided by famous and prestigious teachers together with international professional dancers.

We want to offer students the opportunity of participating to various stages, workshops, shows with important and experienced Teachers.

Our goal is to keep alive the interest for classical ballet, for the repertoire and for the important history and culture related to it.

In our fast-moving times' which promote impatience, teaching to the young generation values such as study, commitment, perseverance is clearly difficult.
That's why we rely on the professionalism and the example of great artists and Teachers that thanks to their own commitment and perseverance obtained great results over the years.

We are very keen on this project wich, beyond his cultural importance, not only in the means of deepening the knowledge of dance but also as an opportunity for students to interact with each other and their different habits, cultures, religions, etc..., is offered at a very affordable price, unusual in the dance world.

Costs are very low thanks to the generosity of the artists engaged. Everything has made the project less heavy for the families of students that each year participate to the project.

Support the association “Arts4all”
"arts4all – Associazione Interculturale” non-profit borns in November 2008 from an idea of Eva Kosa, with the goal of promoting the meeting and the mutual knowledge of different cultural traditions and encourage integration using as the main 'tool' artistic languages.

"arts4all – Associazione Interculturale” allocates all donations, disbursements and bequests received in support of the project “Interdanza”.



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