Anna Guetsman

Live Ballet Stages

Born in Russia, Anna Guetsman graduated from the Choreographic Academy of Novosibirsk under the guidance of the Masters of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. At the age of 18, she joined the ballet company of the Opera and Ballet Theatre of Ekaterinburg, where she danced as a soloist in a diverse range of classical and neoclassical repertoire, including Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, Don Quixote, Corsair, Bayadere, Serenade, Balanchine's Theme and Variations, Spartacus, Yuri Grigorovic's Legend of Love, and many others.
Throughout these years, she performed on tour in numerous European countries such as France, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Belgium.
In 2000, she relocated to Italy and decided to focus on teaching and choreography, achieving excellent results. Since 2010, she has been the co-director, alongside Eriberto Verardi, of the professional training center "Balletto di Verona."
The past decade has been filled with significant professional achievements for Ms. Anna Guetsman and her students. Many of her students have won national and international dance competitions and gained admission to prestigious international academies such as the Grace Kelly Academy of Montecarlo, Staatliche Ballettschule of Berlin, Ballettschule Staatsoper of Vienna, Bolschoi Ballet Academy of Moscow, Vaganova Academy of St. Petersburg, Zurich Dance Academy, English National Ballet School in London, and more.
Several of her students, after graduating from Balletto di Verona, secured employment contracts with companies such as the National Theatre of Bratislava, National Theatre of Varna, Arena di Verona Foundation, and the Croatian National Theatre of Split. Anna Guetsman is frequently invited as a jury member and teacher of classical, repertoire, and character dance in workshops and competitions in Italy and abroad.